When you’ve scanned multiple rooms or entire buildings and need to export a specific room for your light planning software Relux, you can easily do it in Metaroom.
Please note: since 08.02.2024, all spaces fully enclosed by walls have been detected as rooms automatically. That is what we call Automated room detection.
How to export 3D Models to Relux Desktop?
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to export your scanned rooms to Relux Desktop:
- Complete the scan with your Apple Pro device and Metaroom Scan App, then head to the Metaroom platform.
- Find your desired room in the “Projects” tab. Click on the 3D model to open it.
- If you expand the model tree on the left sidebar, you will see that Metaroom has already detected and grouped rooms within your 3D model. Here are some shortcuts to move the 3D model in the scene:
- To rotate the model, hold down the left mouse button and drag.
- If you want to move the model, use the right mouse button and drag the model to your preferred position.
- A simple left-click on an object like a wall will select it.
- To deselect an object or wall, click again on the object or remove the selection from the object list.
- For zooming in or out, scroll the mouse wheel.
- To start the exporting process, click on the export button on the top toolbar navigation.
- Select RELUX Desktop (.rdf) format and click “Export.” The Relux export mode will be activated.
- Choose which rooms you want to export from your scanned space. Select one or more rooms from the model tree, and they will be added to the export list in the right sidebar.
- PRO TIP: Assign utilization type to your rooms. Select the room from the model tree on the left sidebar and choose the utilization type from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the left sidebar. It’s not a mandatory field, but it helps light planners define the space’s lighting needs faster.
- If you want to include an open space or any combination of spaces, you can group them manually before exporting your project. Just select the walls and assets that you want to group, assign them a name, and click on Create New Group. Your new group will then be added to the model tree, and you can select the new group as a new room to add to your final export file.
- To finalize the export, give your export a name on the right sidebar. Select whether you want to export the complete model or room geometry only, then click on Relux Export to start exporting the file.
- Access the export list by clicking on the popup message or through the main menu under Export.
- Once the export is complete, you can download the model by clicking the “Download” button in the Export section.
- Congratulations! You’ve successfully exported a room. Open the downloaded file in RELUX Desktop to start planning your lighting solutions.